Sunday, January 13, 2008

Starting the Week Right

On Sunday morning I woke up and decided to get around for Mass. I haven't been wanting to get up and be there for the 8:00 AM mass lately. Call me lazy. But, I prefer that mass over the 10 AM mass, and never seem to get done with my weekend chores in time for mass on Saturdays at 5 PM.

So, I got up, and first had to decide what to wear. I picked out a new sweater my mom had sent me, but the pants were a pain..this pair too big, this too small, etc. What drama I have getting dressed lately. Well, anyway, got dressed and walked the four 1/2 blocks to church, braving walking over the icy intersections. (Well, it was not all THAT treacherous...ha!).

Anyway, I got in early, and it was so beautiful and peaceful. The Christmas decorations are still up (I think this is the last Sunday) and the church was dark, with the alter all lit up with the twinkling lights, trees, poinsettas and beautiful. I felt so at peace and at home. It was a good start to my week. If I had been thinking I would have snuck a picture then, but didn't think of it until later. So, this photo didn't capture that magic I felt as I arrived, but you can still capture a bit of the beauty.

I don't think its any sacrilege to sneak a cell phone photo of the church's least I hope not. I couldn't get the whole area that I wanted to, but this gives you an idea. Our church was renovated a few years ago, and really, it is absolutely gorgeous.

The homily was good, and I just got the jump start I needed for the week.