I am participating in a Biggest Loser contest here at work. It is district wide, and there are 108 contestants (54 teams). My partner (and good friend, S) and I are off to a good start, which is encouraging, but of course, the first few pounds usually are the easiest. There is a cash prize on May 12 for the top three teams, so cheer me on! If I would place, I could use the money for new clothes, which I would then need, right? :-) And, remember there are 54 greedy teams vying for those prizes!
This has caused me to get back into my routine of early morning rising to go to the Y to work out three days a week. I haven't had any trouble getting up, so far. The days I don't get up early are alternated with after work exercise. I am joining a group for two nights a week, and then have

y walking to keep going with as well. So, I should get in enough to get into shape, right? Monday was to be my first night of this group exercise, but the leader canceled. So, I dusted off (whoops) my Nordic Track...any of you have any of those? It is a good work out, especially if it's been a long while since you got on it! I remember when I first got it, being the klutz that I am, I had a hard time getting the hang of it. My boss would ask me every day if I got "bucked off" that day...ha. I can stay on now, and I worked up quite a sweat and my heart was beating at a good pace.... I need to keep it in my routine as well, I think. I'll figure it all out. In the past, I kinda got addicted to the early morning routine, so I hope I'll get that feeling again, and I can always add to that, but I wan

t to shoot for 3 days per week. That way, if I do more fine, but I don't set my expectations too high and fail.
It's that time of year when many of us get the bug to get back into shape and also lose pounds. This contest is extra incentive and the buddy system is great. Nearly everyone in my building is participating, so that helps too.
Stay tuned for updates, now that I've put myself out there....for you all to know about (yikes) ... and, wish me luck!
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