Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Have Issues...

Oh, my gosh. On Tuesday morning I went out and got into the car, and it wouldn't start. It is a 2007 Nissan and uses a "smart key" where you just push a button to start the car, after you press on the brake pedal. I tried and tried, but nothing. I finally called my husband, who said the smart key (fob) probably needed a new battery. He told me right where he knew he put the extra batteries. Hmm. NOT. After about 15 minutes of searching I did find the new battery, but not where he told me it would be. I changed out the battery. Nothing. The car merely sat there mocking me.

Finally, after several tries, exchanging batteries again, still nothing, only more mocking. So, I called my husband back, who said "what do you want me to do, I'm at work". Hmm...Ya, I just called to chat. NO, I didn't say that, I instead said that I thought maybe he had a suggestion. Then, we tested the car battery, which was fine. Finally I gave up and said if I didn't get it started I'd call someone or walk to work. No biggie. I messed with the key fob a while longer, and finally the car started. Off to work I went, plenty late. I was not in a happy mood, which was affecting my lenten promise of trying to be nice and all that jazz.

When I got to work, my friend, E, said "what, you can't start it with the key"? I said, ya, you can take the key out of the fob and start it but I wasn't sure how. So, being a guy, he went out and got the manual and found how to do that, in the case I would ever have this emergency again. To make things worse, my banana I brought to eat was freaky and I couldn't eat had these hard lines right in the banana. Hard to explain, but freaky....anyway, that's not the story...

Regardless, I had no problems the rest of the day. I wasn't sure which battery had finally ended up in the fob, and then I concluded it may just be that the fob had been jiggled or didn't connect correctly or something.

After exercise class, I hopped happily into the car, and got ready to head home. The car just laughed at me. It refused to move. It would not start. Good Grief! So, I am thinking, ok, this is ridiculous. I had the other battery still with me, and my little tool to open the fob, so switched things around again and again. Our exercise instructor stopped by and asked if I needed help, to which I replied, no, that I just was having issues with my key and would call hubby if I needed anything.

I put the fob back together, and pressed on the brake and pushed the button and "waaa-laaa", off it went. Hmm. Then, and only then, I started thinking...hmmm.... I think I had been pressing on the gas, not the brake. UGH! What a dope. I am pretty sure that is what happened in the morning too. I probably just finally pushed the gas pedal out of habit for some reason the last time I got in and out of the car. OMG, I am such a mental paused crazed woman.

Driving home, I'm thinking, no one needs to know. I'll live with them not knowing and they can continue to believe it was fob problems. The smart key was just not being smart. That works for me.

But, me being me, I fessed up.

I do have issues.


Mental P Mama said...

Um. I would never fess up to that. And a banana with rigid lines is no good at all;)

joanne said...

Hi Joanie,
I'm not sure how I found my way over here but after reading your fob post I certainly think I was directed by a higher power! I'm also in my losing my mental mind years and it's driving me and my faminly crazy. I'll be back to check in on more of your craziness...thanks for sharing...take care,