Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rain, Rain & Other Random Thoughts

So, it is raining. It is not raining hard yet today, but it sure did rain last night. I had to go out and dump out some planters. It is cool out, so that means no swimming again today for Brooklyn and Bailey. So far, it's been 3 out of 3 days of no swimming. But, there'll be plenty of time, I am sure. Brooklyn is spending his days at Bailey's house while I am working, and Baileys' older brother is in charge! They had a great time yesterday! I won't have to work on Fridays most of the time, so that will give us extra time together as well!

I rode my bike to exercise class last night, and got home just in time before the rain really started. I got sprinkled on, and the thunder and lightning was going on, but I made it fine.

This weather makes me s-l-e-e-p-y. I got up to do a morning walk/run yesterday, so I think I was just tired anyway...ha.

I am busy busy at work with my end of year uploads and all that jazz, and it is taxing on my brain. On top of that, there are meetings going on in the training room (right outside of my door) so I have to close my door and escape at least SOME of the noise....and they are hot, so they have the air on. Well, I think it ALL blows in here. I shut my vent, but even then, I was so cold yesterday that I could barely type. So, I started up a little space heater. Sad, huh? Today I wore socks and shoes, so that should help. No sandals today.

Have a great day, I'm done rambling.....