Biggest Loser was pretty good last night. I liked that they promoted team work and no one had to go home. It seems like they are coming out with more products and commercializing it more, but I guess...I'll just focus on the people anyway. I don't have a favorite yet. Do you? And, I don't think I could walk across even that widest balance beam.

I watched "The Good Wife" premier last night as well. I liked it. Anyone else try it? I liked her when she was on ER, but I think she is more attractive now. It'll be interesting to see how this one goes.
It has been cool and wet here all week so far. Brr. It is supposed to be warm and sunny over the weekend and into next week. I guess Denver was supposed to get a snow storm? I didn't watch the news this morning to see if they did or not.
Have a gread mid-week day!
Oh shoot! I wanted to watch that! I'll have to catch up next week;)
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