Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Twelve Pounds of Christmas (Day Eight) ... and more tidbits...

Moving on with the twelve pounds of Christmas~Here is day EIGHT:
Sing to the tune "Twelve Days of Christmas":

On the Eighth pound of Christmas, my sister said to me, 
"That's not on Weight Watchers", 
"Don't go back for seconds",
"Cut back just a little", 

"The dryer shrunk your jeans", 
"Are you retaining fluid?", 
"You're big boned",
"I really didn't notice" and
"Your butt still looks good to me"....

On another note....do you bake a lot for Christmas?   I used to do a lot, but have cut back a lot last year and this year.   If we all gather, I try to make sure that I make a favorite of each child and hubby!   I like fudge the best, I think.   Do you have a favorite?


Mental P Mama said...

Not baking a single thing this year. Call me scroogette.