Friday, December 23, 2011

The Twelve Pounds of Christmas (Day TWELVE) ... and more tidbits...

Moving on with the twelve pounds of Christmas~Here is day ELEVEN:
Sing to the tune "Twelve Days of Christmas":

On the Twelfth pound of Christmas, my MIRROR said to me, 
"Sooie, pig, sooie!", 
"Grazing is for cattle", 
"Schedule liposuction", 
"I wouldn't wear that spandex",

"That's not on Weight Watchers", 
"Don't go back for seconds",
"Cut back just a little", 

"The dryer shrunk your jeans", 
"Are you retaining fluid?", 
"You're big boned",
"I really didn't notice" and
"Your butt still looks good to me"....

On another note....Christmas vacation OFFICIALLY starts for me today.  Hubby has been off all week! We are headed to spend Christmas in Gillette with daughter, Tina and her hubby.   We will get to celebrate with daughters, Chrissy and Crystal over New Years weekend, and their families!   Brooklyn will probably be joining us too!    So, we will have lots of family time...that warms my heart!

We ALWAYS miss those that are not with us, but they are always in our hearts, thoughts, memories and with love.   I am so blessed with family and friends!


Tina said...

Yay! See you tomorrow! Love you!