Monday, January 2, 2012

Meet Pixie!

Our newest addition:

We met Miss Pixie via internet and were able to make her part of our family on Christmas eve day.   She is cute, adorable and a lot of work!   Sissy is adjusting to having a "baby sister" fairly well...she had been very lonely without our Sammy.   We took her on our travels to Gillette, where she tortured poor Ruger (Tina and Adam's lab)  and annoyed Sophie, although Sophie (Tina's yorkie) did play some with her.   She then got to annoy my sister's lab, Kya, in Guernsey.  At home, we "dogsat" for our friend and Pixie again annoyed the lab, Jax.   All three labs basically just went and hid somewhere from her!   Her little teeth are very sharp and she tends to bite their feet.  

Anyway, we are now getting into a routine and all adjusting.  She was ill and had to spend a night at our vets, but is doing much better.  I am having to get up at night again!  Ugh!   But, we'll get through it!   She's worth it, as Sissy was.   We didn't have to go through the "puppy" stage with Sammy...


Mac Lover said...

Pixie is a DOLL and I can't wait to meet her in person!! What a sweetie!

Cara said...

Congrats on your new addition! She's adorable!

Mental P Mama said...


Tina said...

She is so cute! I am glad she is feeling better!

Jolyn said...

It was funny watching her with Kya. She sure isn't scared of dogs 10 times her size.