Sunday, March 4, 2012

Losing it?

My husband told me the other day he thought I was "losing it".   Ha.  Well, I cannot argue that point.  I prefer to say my brain is so full that some things won't fit in there any more!  Ha!

Here's a recent example...
Friday I took Crystal and Elijah  from here to a town 60 miles away and we met up with Tina for some shopping and lunch.   We had a great time, and good lunch.  It was fun to get together, and Elijah was enamored with his Auntie T.  

When at our mall (which is hardly even enough anymore to call a mall), I pulled out my cell phone to answer a text from my husband.  Tina and I and Elijah were sitting on a bench waiting on Crystal to finish up.   After dropping off Tina, running through Sonic for a Cherry Limeade ( a must for Crystal and me!), I couldn't find my phone.   I must have set it down on the bench at the mall...ugh!   I immediately went back to the mall and looked on that bench.  I went in the nearest store, went to the Mall Office, etc.  No luck.  Of course, Crystal was calling the phone trying to find it as well.   We went to the drop off point and looked in the parking lot, etc.  

I then went to the nearest Verizon store to see if they could help, or if I could log in and use the "Find my iPhone" app and locate my phone.  The guy was absolutely no help, other than watching me try to use the tablets they had set up... you have to have Firefox or Safari as a browser to use the Find my iPhone, so I had no luck.    After a long time in Verizon, I gave up.  I had at least thought they could call and do something.

On the way out of town, I stopped in at Staples...they said I could use their computer but they only used Explorer as a browser.  I kinda thought about downloading Firefox, but figured better not.  So after a couple wasted hours, headed on home.

I got home, walked in the house, went online and within 5 minutes, located my phone.   It was no longer at the mall, but in the town that is adjacent to the mall.   I locked my phone from my computer and was able to send sound signals to it as well.   I called the police department over there, emailed them the image of the map, and they were able to retrieve my phone.   YAY!   I only wish I had been able to do this without coming home first!

I realized I also had Google Latitude on my phone, which also gave me the phones address.  I didn't know if it would because sometimes it still reverts to my old phone that my grandson has, and shows my location in Colorado instead of where I am.   Shoot, it showed exactly where the phone was, so I should have tried that.

Regardless, the find my iPhone app saved the day!   So if you don't have that on your iPhone, please do!   And then set up your iCloud to find your phone!   Or, use Google worked perfect as well.

Yay.   I better be more careful!!  

(PS  It was an adult that took it from the mall, not a kid!)


joanne said...

wow, so glad you got your phone back. I need to check mine and make sure I have that feature on it too.

Mental P Mama said...

WOW! You are lucky!

Tina said...

I definitely need to download that app!!! Just in case I take after you-lol!!