Thursday, March 22, 2012


Do you get migraines?  Have you ever had one?   I get them less often than I used to, as mine are usually hormone induced (and since I'm getting old, my hormones are different!)  but still do get them sometimes.   

I have had one this week. I'm on day 3, so I know the end is near.   Yay.

It's hard to be positive and cheerful when you want to either:

  • poke your eye out
  • bury your head
  • cut off your head
  • run around with a hot towel around your neck/head
  • etc... (you get the drift...)
I can tell when one is coming, as I get really lethargic and kinda "draggy" the day before.  So, I saw that coming, and rested, but that didn't keep it away...darn it.

A co-worker told me he heard if you get a "brain freeze" it will get rid of the headache?  I take meds, and they don't even get rid of it, so if this were true, what a great, easy way to feel better.   I think I'll go drive 60 miles to Sonic and get a cherry limeade slushy.  (I wish!).   But, seriously, maybe I can find something and try it...who knows?

Have a good day!!!!


Tina said...

I hate them. I have them less now too. Guess the baby has been good to me! :)