Monday, April 23, 2012

Birthdays galore...and a bit more...

It's a birthday extravaganza around here.   We had Elijah's birthday on the 14th, then my baby (iest) sister's birthday was the 19th, my sister next to me in age the 21st, and today is my sister in law's birthday!   Then on Wednesday it will be my new son (in law)'s birthday!  Busy time!  

Our little Alexis will be born soon too!

We are in the midst of a power outage here, but due to our mifi, we are able to be on our computers.  

How is your day? 


Tina said...

I messed up and didn't get a card out to Aunt Patty :( but I got a text message out at least! I am ready for Adam's birthday. Making blueberry cheesecake!!!