Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Alexander Day

Well, yesterday started out as an Alexander day for sure!

First let me digress...WICKED this weekend  was wonderful, awesome, great...get my drift?  I loved, loved, loved it!!!

And, we had a nice weekend seeing relatives as well, which is always good for the soul!

Monday was back to work, and it is such a busy busy time!   So, just keeping my head above water!

Now, to Tuesday!   The Alexander Day.

It really wasn't totally a terrible, horrible,  no good, very bad day ALL day, but started out that way!
I had to do a presentation for the all staff end of year gathering.  I got that all ready and polished up on Monday.  However, I did need to tweak it for timing, etc.   So did that a few times, trying to get it perfect.   By Monday night, figured it was as good as it was going to get.  So, I exported it out of iMovie, and saved it to present.   Got home, opened it up and saw a little glitch. UGH!  I had made it in iMovie on my desktop computer, and couldn't edit it from my laptop.   So, Tuesday morning, started getting around bright and early.   Took a shower.   Started drying my hair.  Hair dryer started to sound like it was choking to death.  Then, it started smelling like it was on fire.  Figured that wasn't good for my hair.  (just thinkin'!!!)   So, had to toss it.  So, my hair is wet.  I have a lot of thick hair, so there was no remedy.   So, tried to pull it up in some kind of way it wouldn't look TOO awful.   Ugh!   Now, I'm already feeling rushed because things are not going well.  Ran into the closet and grabbed for my shoes.  Rammed my hand into the shelves.  Broke two fingernails.   Ugh!   Ok, have to just deal with it.   Then I hurried up to the office to grab a remote clicker and then tweak that glitch in my movie.   Got the glitch fixed, exported the movie out and saved it again to my drop box.   Ran over to the meeting.  Got there plenty early.

So, I opened up my laptop and got the movie.  Viewed the movie.  The glitch I fixed is BACK.   Good Grief!   Oh, well, just have to let it go. It won't be perfect.   So, next, go to hook up the laptop and get things set up.    The microphone won't work.  Found out the wires were cut.  Earl (friend and co-worker) gets a new cord.  I'm just thinking, this is NOT off to a good start!

Finally, we have breakfast and gathering.  My friend from work had to speak as well, so she was turning green and feeling sick.  I can relate.  I wasn't feeling nervous, even though I had to speak a bit, and then show this movie.   But, the morning drug on.  And on. (actually it wasn't that long, just seemed like it since I was waiting)    I was LAST on the agenda.  By the time it was my turn, I am sure I was green too.  My palms were sweating.   I felt like I was talking too fast.  I wondered if I was stuttering.   Got through my little talk, and then showed the movie.  Glitch and all.   I heard from several people who told me it was good.   No one even mentioned the glitch that I was worried about.   It only bothered me.   Go figure.

The best laid plans.....


Mental P Mama said...

Now I'm feeling sick and green.

Tina said...

I had an Alexander day last Tuesday! It was rough!