Wednesday, June 6, 2012

That time of year...

It's that time of year .... for state reports.   I think I have posted about them before (maybe EVERY June?)     I started out last week getting things up our student information system and fixing errors.   Then, I started in Monday...there are 2 major reports that I have to prepare and upload before I can do all the rest on the list.   Then, I realized that the principals hadn't marked a certain group of students in the system, so I had to get them to do that.  Here it is Wednesday night, and I am still at a stand still.  Hopefully tomorrow I can get going....on that project!

Then, I thought I'd work on something stuck at a stand still waiting on someone started to work on moving information from one computer that is not working correctly to a different one for a teacher.   That has proven to be quite a task, and should be something simple to do....darn it!   So, I would say so far this week, I've hit a few roadblocks.

But, I'm trudging along!

I come home at night a bit weary during this time of brain gets tired, too!   But, I love my job.   I just know this is a busy, intense time....

How was your day?