Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Annual Bike Ride

This past weekend was our annual bike ride on the Mikkelson Trail in South Dakota.  It was so fun!   We almost didn't go for a variety of reasons, but decided to go ahead and go. It was good to get away, be in the beautiful hills and relax as well as enjoy the ride and company.  We have had a lot of fun over the years....

Bike Trip 2009
Bike Ride 2008
Bike Ride 2007

I know I posted more years than those, but oh, well.  Our group was trying to remember how many years we have gone up and done this, and I think we started in 2000 or 2001, not sure.  

I didn't think I'd be able to ride much, but ended up riding quite a bit...18 miles the first day, 43 or so the second day and about 12 only the third day...my body was willing but my butt said NO MORE!   


Mac Lover said...

You had a wonderful week-end, weather wise, for riding! I bet the hills were full of beauty! I admire anyone who can ride several days at a time!

I once did a trail ride on horses at Ft. Robinson, and camped on the ground between days. The first day was awesome, the second day was "oh so ouchy"! But we were tucked back in the hills and the only way out was to ride out. I made it, but it wasn't pretty! ha ha!

Can't wait to see this year's pictures!

Mental P Mama said...

You Rock!!!!!

Tina said...

I bet by day 3 your butt was just numb after a few minutes! Ouch! Proud of you!!