Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Yorkies, Yorkies, Yorkies...part 2

So, do any of you EVER watch "The Dog Whisperer". Of course, Tina and I have several times, and those of you who do watch will know that dogs are never the problem, it is the owner (the owner needs trained)....hmmm. That Cesar sure can train dogs, though. I learn all my skills from him....SO.....Walking the dogs.I usually walk Sissy and Sammy together. Shelby can't take the walk anymore more than around the block, so she doesn't go on our long walks. I got tired of the leashes being tangled so I got a coupler. It works great. However, I found it would work best if they both had exactly the same harness, so the lengths on each side of the coupler would be equal. So, then got Sammy a harness like Sissy's. So, we walk. Sammy has always been a good walker. He walks to the left of me and just struts along fine. The only thing is, of course, he has to pee on every tree and twig on the route. But, no biggie, he keeps up great.So along comes Sissy. With the two leashes she was always running back and forth tangling the leashes, the coupler works much better. However, she goes constantly from side to side, never just walking along like good little Sammy. Every once in a while, Sammy just turns around and gives me that disgusted look that only a Yorkie can give you...and I can, truly, read his mind...he's telling me, "what are you nuts -- bringing along that annoying girl dog? I'm so good, just leave her home.? I may have mentioned before how Sammy just walks along so nicely and Sissy is like a little bouncing waterbug.Hmmm.So, last week, Tina brought in Sophie. First, think of how cute we must look walking three little yorkies right....????? Cute can only describe it, I'm sure...Sophie and Sissy are best of friends. So, Sissy was trying to be right by Sophie on our walk. So, we stopped and took Sophie off her leash and put Sammy on a leash alone. This put Sophie and Sissy on the coupler leash. Sissy was in heaven. Now, Sophie doesn't walk as good and nicely as Sammy, but she's not quite into the waterbug effect either. Sissy still was over and under and back and forth. (Now, why hasn't her owner trained her better????) Sammy, whom Tina quickly had taken to walk (hmm...wonder why she grabbed that leash so quickly??), was walking along nicely and manly, not acting stupid. He was still giving those girls a glance of "what is wrong with you" every now and then, but you could just tell how relieved he was to just be walking normally without the waterbug bothering him.Sissy going over and under on the coupler was only made a bit funnier because of course, Sophie had a pony tail on her head. By the end of her limbo session, the rubber band was right at the ends of her hair, almost falling out.The only thing that made the walk livelier was a loose beagle on one street running away from a little about four year old screaming girl. By the end of that moment in time we had our three little dogs in our arms, and the beagle luckily didn't run any further because he of course, was probably admiring the cute little yorkies. (NOT!)However, it was at that time, that conveniently I seemed to get Sammy's leash and Tina ended the walk with the water bug/limbo session.One of the gals at work thought we should video tape these outings and send it to Cesar (of the Dog Whisperer). I think not...what would he say of the owner????? Yikes!On a final note, John brought me home an article about little dogs from the Omaha paper. Something about how people spoil the little dogs and treat them....well, never all know that can't be me....Have a great day!