Can you believe this weather? Several more over 100 degree days! With very high (yesterday 100%) humidity! Remind me when it is freezing butt cold out not to complain. But, geezers. I guess if I were a kid playing in a pool or running thru a sprinkler I'd be happy. But, instead, I'm hot. Everyone is hot. Everyone is crabby. I am crabby. It makes for a hot, crabby world. I feel sorry for those of you who work outside. At least I have an air conditioned office to work in. Ok, maybe I shouldn't complain. I'll try to think of something good about this hot weather.......let's see.....um, um....I'm thinking....I'll have to get back to you on that one!
First a note about one of my Saturday Sayings...Crimanetly. (See post below). Anyway, I wondered if anyone else ever used that. I was flipping thru tv stations the other day and ran across an old episode of Roseanne. There was Dan the Man, saying Crimanetly. I thought Wow...there's that word. Then I thought...yikes....maybe that puts me right in Roseanne's class? Hmmm....
Meanwhile, I don't think I have mentioned our fun filled fencing troubles. If any of you are die hard Home Depot fans, good for you. But, as for me, they can take it where the sun don't shine. They seem to me to be the most inadept, stupid, unaware idiots. First, they advertise that they can set up your project. Of course, that is if someone is ever at the "pro" desk. I have no clue what qualifications that would take. Because at our local home depot,

even the managers know NOTHING. See their logo to the right here? You can do it. We can help. Do not believe this. It is propaganda. Really. Truly. If you happen to try to call Home Depot for a quote or question, be prepared...you should first get a tall drink. I am saying iced tea or something, but maybe a tall margarita would have worked better. Then, get in a comfy chair and relax, because it'll be a while before you are off the phone. Be prepared to be transferred at least five times to another person who yet still knows nothing. Be prepared to even get disconnected a couple times and restart the whole procedure over. Then, if you actually get an order, be prepared to have at least half of it wrong and half of it missing. This is especially convenient if you are an hour away from Home Depot in the midst of your project. This will cause you to make not only phone calls to Home Depot, but to every lumber yard and store in the surrounding area so you can make a quick trip (the closest trip was only 5 miles, if that store is open...in our small "home"town, they open when they want to only. The other trips are 22 or 30 miles one way. Not bad, but if your crew is waiting upon your return in 100 degree weather, you don't even stop for a potty break if possible. Home Depot will also print out plans or directions to help with your project. Be prepared for them to not give you those. Be prepared that when you are on one of your many phone calls, they will promise to fax those several times. Be prepared that the fax will never arrive; you are on your own to figure out any little problems. Our Home Depot is not only an hour from our fencing project, but an hour from Alliance as well. Thank Goodness, because I would have to tell them to "be prepared"....Have any of you seen the movie "Fried Green Tomatoes" ( a MUST SEE for all of us women...anyway)...the gal gets so mad at someone taking her parking place she just rams into this car. It is so funny, though, ... well, anyway, I have dreams of ramming into Home Depot....but since they are not close by, it would be too much to drive all the way over there just to ram into the store. So, I thought, I'll write a letter. So far, I have this: Dear Home Depot, You suck.
Have a great day.
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