Yippee...It's going to be on! Lifetime...Thursday night! You HAVE to watch if you haven't already seen it a jillion times and memorized your favorite lines! And, be sure and catch the part where Kathy Bates takes on the two yuppy young ladies in the parking lot after they take her parking spot! It's just great...
Fried Green Tomatoes

Made: 1991
Genre: Dramedy
Stars: Kathy Bates, Mary Stuart Masterson, Jessica Tandy Based on the novel by Fannie Flagg. Evelyn Couch (Kathy Bates), an unhappy, overweight housewife meets a charismatic old woman, Ninny (Jessica Tandy). Ninny tells Evelyn a story of two women (Mary Stuart Masterson & Mary-Louise Parker) during the Depression that involves themes of abuse and racial violence. Evelyn is so inspired and entertained by her weekly visits with Ninny that she begins to exercise, watch her calorie intake, and assert her independence from her husband (Gailard Sartain).
Come, on, it's just one of the best, you laugh, you cry, you think. And, Jessica Tandy is so wonderful! They all do a great job, and it's just...well, great.
Speaking of movies, my daughter and I were flipping through the channels the other night and couldn't find anything to watch. We ran across the movie "The Birds". Do you all remember this one?

Well, anyway, we caught the part where all these little birds came down the chimmey, out the fireplace and were swarming through the living room. It was crazy. I mean, even one bird in my living room would make me lose it.
THEN, as if I needed to think about birds invading us, the next morning I went out to get the dogs their morning food, and hear like what seemed to be a million birds in the trees around. I mean, it it was LOUD. Then, all of a sudden, they all took off flying, and it was just surreal. You could just hear this big old swoop and then look up and it was just a black sky filled with flying birds. I knew it..I was in the movie..I was Tippi Heddron...augh, oh, yikes. I ran back inside with the dog food and secured my safety.
Oh, and did you notice who else was in "The Birds"???? Jessica Tandy...wow! From there to Fried Green Tomatoes...who knew?
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