Hi. Just got back from our walk. We went later than usual, but that's ok with me. I wish Mom would take just me instead of making me walk with Silly Sissy.
The pictures are kinda hard to see because it was getting dark out.
Sissy was doing better walking, but tonight she was kinda hyper or something, and she started out too fast. Then she looked at me and I think I heard her say something about me being pudgy. I am NOT pudgy. I am muscular, not skinny like a little waterbug like Sissy. Muscular...NOT pudgy. Stupid Silly Sissy.

Now, I'll go pout in the closet some more. She is just too much.
Oh, ya, Mom said tomorrow Justin and Angie are getting married! She is happy for them. I don't really know what that all means. But, we wish them the best and CONGRATULATIONS to them!
Well, we all know Sophie used to do that too. She has stopped, or so I thought. The other night, we decided to take Ruger on our walk with us and as soon as we got to the horses she began to wimper and whine. Not like the screaming banshee that we know she can be (and that Sissy does) but still! I think she thinks she has to tell Ruger all about it and make it horrible so that he will be on guard, just in case he would need to protect her!
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