Monday, October 29, 2007

Do It Yourself Projects

Gee, I haven't blogged in quite a while. I have been working on a big project at work, and then very tired at nights, so just haven't thought of anything to write about, and I am sure you all don't want to hear all about the frustrations of the project.

Well, anyway, this weekend, my husband decided to fix the bath/shower. Mind you, we rent, so at first, he thought we should call the repair man. But, we need it done, as the caulking was loose (this is the 2nd time) so he decided to get it done. The repair man that our landlord uses isn't always the brightest star in the sky, plus, we need to time this kind of repair to go along with shower scheduling for our family.

So, anyway, he gets in there late Sunday (why start at the end of the day? .. I don't know...). Anyway, the poor guy gets to working, and the wall behind the melamine must be rotten. Every time he scrapes or pushes, more crap falls down from behind the melamine. Of course, this will make it impossible to caulk until there is no dust, crap, etc on the tub or wall, so he goes about getting it ready. He wanted to glue the melamine underneath as well, or so that was the plan. But, there is no way to do that with it rotting back there...oooh, yuk. And, there goes a small project into one that lasts waaaaaaaaaay toooooooooooo long.

Of course, I have done lots of chores all weekend, and I am not really in the mood for a Sunday night job. But, oh, well, as I am sitting outside enjoying one of the last nice afternoons/evenings of the season and reading the paper, I hear the bellering from inside..."Joan" off I go. As some of you can imagine, I then start being the the garage, to the basement, to the garage, to the basement..over and over. Go get this, go get that. Now, he was being nice about it all, but I still got a little frazzled.

I mean, when a woman does a project, there is no gopher. You just do it all yourself.

A man seems to need the "help".

Is it just me, or is this the norm?

Anyway, the shower eventually got all caulked. And, we have to let it dry until tonight. Next time, the landlord will probably have to replace the wall behind there, since it was crumbling and falling down. We thought it was sheetrock or something, but then tiles started falling...I guess that someone, sometime, just put up the melamine right over the tiles? Wonder if he did it on his own or had a gopher?