My Mom

My mom is special. She has never been "mother", always "mom".
She amazes me with her strengths, courage and faith.
She is one of three sisters, the youngest by quite a few years. She later became the mother of four daughters...I think she is probably pretty in-tune to the female world.
She credits many of her attributes to my Grandma (Elsie), and I can say that we are blessed to have her be the same in many ways as Grandma. But, she is her own person, and one that I admire greatly.
Mom grew up in a small town, smaller than my hometown, and moved upon her marriage to Chicago...what a change. Her stories of the differences are just enthralling. I would have been scared to death upon such change.

Later, my father worked for CB&Q railroad and we moved often. She seemed to take all this in stride and always managed, even with him away at times, or on odd shifts, and being far away from her own parents and siblings.
She gave birth to me fifty years ago (yet she remains at about age 35 to me, always), then had still born twins, followed by the birth of my younger sister. Mom was to suffer later the loss of her husband, my father, to cancer. I don't remember a lot about my younger childhood, probably due to the stress of the loss. But, she remained strong and took care of her daughters. It was much later in life that I read a journal she had kept writing about my father's illness, her feelings, and various stages of the cancer. In those days, cancer killed, and it usually was painful and hard on the person and those around him.
The journal enlightened me to let me know how much she truly had suffered while not showing us girls how scared and alone she felt, by crying in the middle of the night in my grandmother's arms, by calling a friend just to hear her voice. She never showed that fear and loneliness to me. I was a child. I depended on her fully.
Later she remarried a wonderful, man, Dad. He has been a blessing to us all, and I love him with all my heart. My father's family welcomed him and they became his extended family as well, which was so giving and wonderful. I had lots of grandparents and extended family between Mom, Dad and my father. How lucky!
Mom give birth to two more daughters then, my sisters, who are 14 and 12 years younger than I am. I am so lucky to have the three sisters. I love having sisters.
I am not going to tell her life story, I couldn't even begin to get all the details!
I sometimes still feel like a young child, calling my mom for advice, or just to share, or just to cry or laugh. And, she lets me.
When I am happy, she shares my happiness, and loves me...
When I laugh, she laughs with me, and loves me...
When I am sad, she comforts me, and loves me...
When I cry, she dries my tears, and loves me...

When I succeed, she congratulates me, and loves me...
When I fail, she encourages me, and loves me...
When I falter, she lifts me up, and loves me...
When I am lost, she helps me find a path, and loves me...
When I lose faith, she enlightens me, and loves me...
When I forget, she reminds me, and loves me...
When I need, she gives, and loves me...
When I give, she appreciates me, and loves me...
When I make mistakes, she helps me find answers, and loves me...
When I talk, she listens, and loves me...
When I ask, she answers, and loves me...
When I am lonely, she consoles me, and loves me...
When I am frustrated, she helps me, and loves me...
When I need forgiveness, she forgives me, and loves me...
When I fly, she hangs on and flies with me, and loves me...
She loves me.
She has taught me so much about life, about the importance of doing for others, about faith and family and friendship and love.
I feel her love...all of the time. It envelopes me, and wraps me like a warm blanket. When I feel blue, I just need to grab that blanket a little tighter.
I am thankful for Mom. I hope that I can be even just a little bit like her.
I agree. Gramma is the best!
Wonderful. You are so lucky to have her. And she, you.
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