Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Here are some quotes about sisters that I am fond of:

Sisters are different flowers from the same garden. ~Author Unknown

A sister is a forever friend. ~Author Unknown

A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life. ~Isadora James

Our roots say we're sisters, our hearts say we're friends. ~Author Unknown

Sister to sister we will always be, A couple of nuts off the family tree. ~Author Unknown

And, finally, what I hope I am, being the eldest of four sisters:
An older sister is a friend and defender - a listener, conspirator, a counsellor and a sharer of delights. And sorrows too. ~Pam Brown

I hope that I am a good sister, because it is one thing in life I am so happy to be. Having sisters is special, and nothing can compare. We four are all so different, and I admire my sisters so much!


Mental P Mama said...

You are so lucky! I always wanted a sister.