Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thankful for Good Friends

My good friend, S, wrote a blip on her blog about me the other day: Read it here.

She is such a great friend, and I don't know how I'd get through some days without her! I did have a particularly bad couple days at work, just due to a big amount of stress, deadlines, and overwhelming craziness here. I even wrote on Facebook Monday that I had had a "day from hell" and I had some friends comment on there, too, making me feel better.

What would we do without good friends? I hate to think about that one....


Mental P Mama said...

Good friends are life's best treat. S. is a dear!

Mac Lover said...

Joanie.....I cannot tell you enough how much it means to me to have you as my friend! We get closer every day and your friendship means so much to me! Thanks for being YOU!