Friday, September 18, 2009

The Unfortunate Accidents

I guess I never brought you up-to-date on my "unfortunate accidents" of the summer. You probably recall my unfortunate jackalope accident in July. Then in August, I had the "unfortunate bicycle accident."

I still even have a little bump on my head from the Jackalope Accident, although it is very small now, slowly disappearing. I had a huge lump in my thigh from the bicycle accident, but it is almost all gone now. I still have a "nob" on my knee and it is still discolered. My chipped teeth are fixed, but still feel "not normal" to me.

Over Labor Day weekend, I had what I now refer to as the "unfortunate dance accident". I fell again!! I hit the back of my head, and hit my elbow. My elbow is still sore. Luckily, the head was only sore for a couple days. My elbow did bruise above and below it...very pretty green yet. I was dancing with a friend of my sisters, and truly having a great time...I said "I'm dizzy", and down I went. Good grief! We did have fun, though, and I was ok.

Maybe it was a good thing that it rained all weekend over our recent annual bike trip. I was truly disappointed we couldn't ride, and we did have fun with our friends...more to follow on that....


Mental P Mama said...

Maybe you should always wear a helmet. Like, even to bed;)

Mac Lover said...

I hadn't heard about the "dancing incident"......I know it hurt, but the visual in my mind made me laugh (a little). I am sorry you fell AGAIN! You were DIZZY?? Do we need to get you checked out? I'm worried about you!