Friday, February 24, 2012

What does the season of Lent mean for you?

  • Prayer?
  • Fasting ?
  • Charity?
As I attended Ash Wednesday services this week, I contemplated on what it should actually mean, besides the old jokes about "what did you give up for lent"?   A couple years, I tried to not give up but to give back, to "pay it forward" so to say, to be more generous, loving and accepting.  

Giving something you love up, does however, make you aware of our blessings and what is truly important.   I am giving up something this year, but I also want to still be more charitable, generous, loving and accepting.  I want to be the kind of person that Elsie and Helen would be proud of.  

I hope you don't mind me asking for your prayers to guide me in my journey to live the life that I need to be the best person I can be, and to always be faithful.  


Mental P Mama said...

What a lovely post. I'm sure they are smiling down at you now.

joanne said...

sending a prayr to Elsie and Helen to help guide you on this journey. take care and Blessings to you this lenten season.