Monday, January 14, 2013

Brrrrrr and more...

Winter has been here the past couple days.   It has been cold!   Below zero.    Now, really, that is cold!

The weekend was spent catching up around here, then watching the Denver Broncos playoff game...which was a really good game, with a not so good outcome!

We kinda somewhat watched the Miss America pageant.   Our home state, Wyoming, had a lot to be proud Miss Wyoming made it to 3rd runner up!

I was glad I got caught up at home, and read a whole book on Sunday...

The Night Sky: A Journey from Dachau to Denver and Back  by Maria Sutton.     I really enjoyed it.   It came from a recommendation from someone who read my blog.   At first, I thought it was something like a stalker, but when looking up the book, decided I may like it, 

and I did! 


Hope all is well out there in bloggers world!



Mental P Mama said...

I so wanted Denver to win. sigh. Stay warm!