Wednesday, March 7, 2012


We all know it takes a lot (they say 21 days at least) to change a habit.   What if you have said something the same way for a great many years?  Then, does that change the magical 21 day theory?

At mass, I have been struggling with the changes in responses.   I finally spoke up to the gal next to me this past weekend and said "Wow, I just cannot seem to follow and change what I am saying".  She laughs and says, she can't even "nail" the first one...which was:

"The Lord  be with you
And with your spirit..."

For as long as I can remember, it has been "The Lord be with you.  And also with You."

It just flows out naturally.   I am not real sure why the changes, but there are a few, and most of us are stammering around, or just still saying all of our old, natural repsonses.

Just sayin'...


joanne said...

I've said "and also with you" all of my life so there's no way I could change it...why change it anyway? Makes no sense to me unless they are trying to see if we are paying attention!

Mental P Mama said...

Ohhh. We don't have that change yet. Thank goodness!

Tina said...

What?!!??! When did they do that? I like it but yah, not an easy change.