Monday, March 12, 2012

Weekend Recap

Wow, time flies.   Last week my youngest daughter was having some contractions and was in the labor room a while, just to get them stopped.   I was a little worried and stressed out.   She is due May 14, so we dont' want Alexis to arrive too early!   So, I went up and sat with her a while.   She is doing better, but just not great.   This will be her last pregnancy.  She really is making a wise choice, although she is young.   Elijah and Alexis will only be 13 months apart!   She'll be busy!  

My next to youngest daughter is pregnant as well.  She is sooooooo excited and so are we.  This is their first baby, and she isn't due until September.  So we will have lots of new little ones around, and Chloe and Brooklyn can be the big kids!!!  They will do great being the helpers and leaders of the pack.

I cleaned house Friday after work so I wouldn't have to spend the weekend doing that...I need to do that more often (I used to always clean during the week).    We went out and enjoyed supper with a group of friends. (This is a usual Friday night thing if we are here.)

Saturday hubby ran to a neighboring town with a friend, so I had the whole day....and it was beautiful outside!   I walked the dogs, washed and cleaned the car, did some odds and ends, and picked up Elijah!   The dog walk is a story in itself.   It was Pixies first time on a leash. 

On to Elijah...he came over and had a bath and he and I attended mass Saturday night (5 PM).  He was so good!   Then, we played, played, played after dinner, and had so much fun.    Sunday, he went out with us for breakfast and had a pancake...yum.   He had a short nap and played a lot more.   I wanted to take him out on a walk, but I am waiting on hubby to fix my stroller (the tires need replaced).   He is so much fun.  He walks now, so keeps me pretty busy.  I took him home in the afternoon.   I'll write some fun things he did later this week as well.

Hubby was gone all day riding 4 wheelers with some buddies.  He had a lot of fun.   I watched "Army Wives" before he got home, and  just cried.  That darn show!!  :-)

Now, back to the work week.   Monday of daylight savings time always sucks.  But, it'll be nice that it is still light after zumba tonight.  

Have a good week! 


Tina said...

Sounds like a great weekend! I can't wait to spend one with you in just a couple weeks!!