Sunday, June 3, 2012

Thirty Six Years

Thirty Six Years
432 Months
1878 Weeks
13,149 Days

On May 29, that is how long I have been married.

Just thinking about it, sometimes it seems like yesterday, other times like "forever".   Do you feel that way at times?

I believe my grandparents (gma Elsie) were married for 72 years (plus).   I'm half way there?   :-)

I am thankful for my marriage.  I am thankful for the road we have traveled together, for the trials we have faced, and for the family that we have together.   I am very blessed.


joanne said...

you are BOTH very blessed! Congratulations...;j

Mental P Mama said...

Wonderful!! Happy Anniversary!

Tina said...

How do you know it is 36????? Just wondering.... hahahaha!