Sunday, July 29, 2012


I should be on top of the world.  I have been blessed with spending time with my grandson all summer, and able to travel and have new experiences.   I have been able to spend time with my babies here in town as well.   I do feel blessed.

But, for some reason, I have been fighting off an overwhelming sadness. 

I feel that I have let people down in a lot of ways.   I have tried to do good, but I feel that I am a great disappointment to many friends and family.

Sorry to be so morose, I think I just need to "write" this down and work through it...writing can be cleansing for  me. 

Pray for me to have some guidance in this journey...


joanne said...

I'm sorry you are feeling so blue, I sometimes have trouble shaking it off and that same feeling that I've let everyone down. I will be sending you happy thoughts and praying for guidance and comfort. Peace my friend.