Monday, April 21, 2008

Sammy Sighs

Well, Dad rocks.

Tonight Mom caught me to make me go on the walk with her and Sissy..I have hidden the last few times, but Mom thinks I should go. Anyway, Dad decided to go. Mom put us on the leash coupler, and I was very very very unhappy.

I tried to not move, and I stood sideways while Sissy just pulled on the leash and leaped around like a rabid rabbit.

Dad, being the brain that he is, said, go get the other leash. He walked me on my own leash, by myself and I did great. Silly Sissy still was acting all spastic, but I showed her what a good dog walks like.

Like I said, Dad rocks.


Mental P Mama said...

Good boy. Sammy, Good Boy! And mommy, the above comment is spam. I had it yesterday...delete it when you can!

Joanie said...

Thanks MPM...I hate those Spam comments...

Have a great day!!!